Doculus Lumus®

The document checking device for

Doculus Lumus®

The document checking device for

With Doculus Lumus® it only takes 30 seconds to examine a document and to determine whether a falsification is at hand.
No matter if you are a border guard, security printer, customs official or document trainer. Doculus Lumus® is your reliable, robust tool to examine passports, ID cards, bank notes or another official document.

With Doculus Lumus® it only takes 30 seconds to examine a document and to determine whether a falsification is at hand.

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Why choose Doculus Lumus® ?

Experienced document specialists know what to look out for. Often, however, the place where fake documents are analyzed more precisely, is an office far away from the border posts. Prior to this, the fake documents must therefore be identified by the frontliners at the border, on the motorway, on the train or at the airport. Usually only 30 seconds remain for the examination of a document and to decide whether a fake is present or not. Frontline counts!

Why choose Doculus Lumus® ?

Experienced document specialists are aware of key indicators for fake documents. Despite this, frontline officers at border posts, motorways, trains, and airports must quickly identify fakes within 30 seconds. Their swift decisions are crucial before more detailed analysis occurs in remote offices.




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